Let’s imagine that an experienced developer joins a new company. The developer feels enthusiastic about a new job…
Anyone who’s ever experienced the fun of passing the military training knows how to properly make a bed.…
Despite the lure of competitive SaaS developers’ salaries, some things stay stubbornly the same. The software industry lacks…
From reduced costs to better security, companies that stick to legacy systems have all the reasons to consider…
Imagine you need to buy a thermos flask from the local shop. The first thing you would probably…
Having a pet is just like running a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) startup. You enjoy it while people around get…
When I was a student, I worked as a kitchen staff in a summer camp. My supervisor was…
Back in 1999, NASA lost Mars Climate Orbiter, a spacecraft worth a whopping $125 million, just because two…
Do you make a checklist before going on a summer vacation trip? If you don’t, it is completely…